Looking for a unique way to get hitched? My Hitched & Go wedding ceremonies are the easy, legal, fun and safe way to get married.
Just drive up to a pre-arranged location where your two witnesses and I will be waiting. Roll down your windows or slide back the sunroof or stand next to your car (1.5 m away from me and your witnesses) and your ceremony will happen right there!
I'll say the legal wording and you'll each say the legal vow, then sign the marriage register and documents. I'll give you a presentation certificate as a keepsake, and then you can drive away to pop the champers and celebrate! What a story to tell the grand-kids!
Like any marriage ceremony you'll need to complete the legal paperwork with me 30 days before your drive-up date.
For $450 you can have your ceremony anywhere within a 100kms round trip travel from Perth CBD.
Get your motor started!