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Updated: Apr 23

You’ve probably seen the scenario on TV or in a movie before: a couple is married and life is going on as usual, at least until the plot twist when they discover that they’re not because, despite what they thought at the time, it wasn’t actually “legal”.

Cue the angst (OR hilarious antics) — depending on if it’s a comedy or tragedy you’re watching, whilst they resolve the situation, one way or another.

But this is real life. Your life. And can you imagine going through your wedding day, however big or small, to later discover it wasn’t legal?

If you’re being married by a registered Commonwealth Marriage Celebrant like me, you don’t need to worry because we’re authorised and regulated by the Attorney-General’s Department and we know what we need to do to guide you through and ensure your marriage is legal. No sit-com or 'dramedy' situation for you. Phew!

To find out what makes up the legal requirements for a couple to marry in Australia and the things you’ll need to do before, during and after your ceremony (what documents you’ll need to supply, forms to submit, wording that must be said during the ceremony), read my free download. Right this way...

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